Designers, excellence
of the Dieffebi Design

Hangar Design Group
- DotBox
It is a multi-disciplinary study of design and communication created by the architects alberto bovo and Sandro manente. the interpretation of design as a ubiquitous and pervasive dimension of every artefact, whether architectural, material or digital, led them to experiment and cross over into graphic, industrial, interior design or web architecture territory, in a constant evolution of experiences. language and support change, but coherence remains of a rigorous and necessary, suitable long-lasting sign. hangar Design Group today consists of an international network in treviso, milan, New york and Shanghai.

Gianmarco Blini
- CBox, CWave, Tidy
The collaboration began in a period when designing was done by many people and very much “together”, to give rise to objects and ideas, with the aim of making the company, with Dieffebi, into a leader in the world of office design. 25 years has passed since the appearance of the first products designed by us. Since then there has been a succession of evolutions and projects in communication, in trade fairs and in designer goods. Our approach has always been more “playful” than purely “technical”, addressing ourselves to transversal solutions between home and office, succeeding in putting into our personal “Dieffebi Office” ... a little colour.

- Chiave di volta, Echolockers, Tshare
The collaboration began from Dieffebi’s attention given to a product presented as 967 in the Vico magistretti competition organised by De Padova in 2008. the birth of the “Chiave di Volta” bookshelves marked the start of a relationship which lasted for several years and which widened to other consultancy services and collaborations.the product developed was oriented principally to a contract market for libraries although it can be used in an office context in which the informal components can increase the use of a product ironically made for other sectors. Chiave di Volta was immediately an “iconic” product and it owes to its original usage, the curved surfaces, its oddness and uniqueness.

Dorigo Design
- Meeting point, Access, MiaPed
The relationship with Dieffebi began with a common objective focused on the creation of products which improve the lives of mankind. the word ‘work’, always associated with a state of physical and/or mental effort, is the focal point in the study of new solutions for furniture which allows for a new approach to productivity. the objects which surround us become suggestions aimed at simplifying our actions, so as to allow us to concentrate on the necessities. work, once carried out exclusively at a desk, now requires new common spaces for meeting together, where relaxation and work are mixed together, allowing us to work, discuss and create in conditions of rediscovered freedom.

- Smartworking
Always, for me, the relationship between a company is based on the relationship with the people who represent that company: owners or managers. Now having known for some time that the office was and is contaminated by transversal type products, which can also be used in other environments typical of the contract, i thought of two products which have exactly these characteristics: a small table of different heights and a chair in which, as well as the aesthetic aspect, there is the functional and qualitative aspect, whose objective parameters allow us to appreciate the functionality and high quality of the product’s finish. i believe in fact that the true “intelligent work” consists of making the most of new technologies available without abusing them, keeping in mind that man will always need to relate to others like him.