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News | 25 March 2023

Color psychology to increase well-being and creativity

Color psychology to increase well-being and creativity
Color plays a fundamental role in the working, domestic and community spheres.

This is why Dieffebi researches and offers ample possibilities for customization thanks to a wide range of colors.
In fact, color is one of the most effective tools for:

1. improve the environment and, therefore, the psycho-physical well-being of employees

2. harmonize spaces based on functions to stimulate creativity

3. generate a positive image consistent with the company's values

Several researches have been carried out on the psychology of colors in working environments.

For example, an operational area will work best with creative tones of orange or yellow, a relaxation area with calming tones of blue, while for an executive area brown tones that evoke feelings of stability and solidity are ideal.

Dieffebi allows, for all its products, a wide choice of colors and customizations.

For the new antibacterial colors and finishes, it also makes use of AkzoNobel antimicrobial powder paints, which guarantee not only brilliance and color fastness, but also hygiene and safety.

Download the color chart

Color psychology to increase well-being and creativity

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